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Meet us at our official store in Naples to live our hospitality, our quality and our style. The store is based on Salvatore’s emotions and friendly welcome.

SALVATORE PICCOLO STORE: Via Carlo Poerio 92a – 80121 Napoli / Ph: +39 081 7641505 / store@salvatorepiccolo.com

Salvatore Piccolo offices and manufacturing are near to the Naples Central Station and near to Garibaldi Square. We work personally in Naples and in all the national territory but for France, Germany, Spain, Japan and U.S.A you can consider our local agents.

SALVATORE PICCOLO OFFICE & WORKSHOP: Via Strettola S. Anna alle Paludi 54, 20122 Napoli
Ph: +39 081 264102 / Fax: +39 081 264102 info@salvatorepiccolo.com

Book an appointment “on measure” at our store. Try the perfection of exclusive service.
OUR SERVICE “ON MEASURE”: Ph: +39 081 7641505 / bespoke@salvatorepiccolo.com

You can request information by completing the following form.
One of our managers will contact you as soon as possible.
Ph: +39 081 7641505 / info@salvatorepiccolo.com

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Compilation form authorize use of your personal data according UE Privacy Regulation 2016/679 (General Data Protection Regulation- G.D.P.R.)
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Meet us at our official store in Naples to live our hospitality, our quality and our style. The store is based on Salvatore’s emotions and friendly welcome.

Via Carlo Poerio 92a – 80121 Napoli
Ph: +39 081 7641505 / store@salvatorepiccolo.com

Salvatore Piccolo offices and manufacturing are near to the Naples Central Station and near to Garibaldi Square. We work personally in Naples and in all the national territory but for France, Germany, Spain, Japan and U.S.A you can consider our local agents.

Via Strettola S. Anna alle Paludi 54, 20122 Napoli
Ph: +39 081 264102 /
Fax: +39 081 264102

Book an appointment “on measure” at our store. Try the perfection of exclusive service.
OUR SERVICE “ON MEASURE”: Ph: +39 081 7641505 / bespoke@salvatorepiccolo.com

You can request information by completing the following form.
One of our managers will contact you as soon as possible.
Ph: +39 081 7641505 / info@salvatorepiccolo.com

Decree of Privacy
Compilation form authorize use of your personal data according UE Privacy Regulation 2016/679 (General Data Protection Regulation- G.D.P.R.)
Read data protection information of Small Napoli s.r.l.

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